
Volunteerism and Voluntary Sector Support
FCSS supporting volunteerism & the voluntary sector
FCSS honours volunteers year round including Volunteer Week in April.
Funding Database Loaner Program: Access thousands of funding opportunities.
Call 403-362-4549 to set up one week access to the database
Citizen and Junior Citizen of the Year. Learn more about nominations and past recipients here.
Need Volunteers?
The Volunteer Request is a way to help organizations recruit volunteers; and to help residents participate in their communities, to share or gain knowledge and skills, and to contribute to the overall betterment of communities. The request for volunteers is not intended to replace any paid employment positions.
Please fill out this email form to send us your volunteer request.

Record Checks
18 years and older
Find out if a Police Information Check is Necessary and Vulnerable Sector Check Information. Learn more at Volunteer Alberta.
Get a Criminal Background and Vulnerable Sector Checks
Register Today!
Email program coordinator: fcssyouthvolunteerprogram@gmail.com