Want to apply for a grant?
Download and submit an expression of interest form
How can we help?
Grasslands Regional FCSS provides conditional funding to other agencies wishing to offer preventive programming, which falls within the FCSS Act & Regulation. FCSS greatly supports and encourages partnerships with other organizations to provide programming. Funding decisions are based on FCSS board identified community priorities and available funding.
We fund preventive social programs through direct funding and community development services. Over the past few years, we have funded a wide variety of organizations and programs throughout our region.

Funding Must
Be of a preventative nature
Help people develop:
o Independence and coping skills
o An awareness of social needs
o Interpersonal and group skills
o Provide supports that help sustain people as active participants in their communities.
Funding Must Not
Be primarily recreational programs/services
Duplicate services provide by government or government agencies
Funding Allocations
Annual funding decisions for non-profits for provision of preventive social programming is based on:
- available FCSS funding
- identified priorities
- currently available programs and services
- access to all residents
- must fall within the FCSS Act & Regulations
Contact Executive Director to discuss your program funding needs, FCSS criteria and current priorities.
Core Grant Funding
Gallery of Funded Partners

Core Grant vs Micro Grant
Core Grant Funding EOIs are accepted between May 1 and July 31 of each year and there is no maximum on the funding you can request.
Micro-Grant EOIs are open all year round and are available in amounts up to a maximum of $5,000.